Do you have that one child where you often wonder what in the world is wrong with them! That second child syndrome, okay I totally made that up, but I feel like it's a real thing with my kid and every Mom who I’ve talked to that makes me feel like my second born is normal. She is the opposite of my first, destruction and mess could both be her middle name. If I look to the left she has dumped her cup of water because she felt like it, then as I clean up that mess she’s dumping the dog food all over the floor. I think I face-palm my own face at least three times a day wondering what in the world am I going to do with her. The more Moms’ I talked to the more I realized she might just need a little bit more sensory stimulation than she had been getting. Not her fault and maybe more of mine than anything, I had every available second to dedicate to my first, which I was not able to with my second. Poor baby, there was definitely more grace in her messes after the light bulb went off.
This week we have sensory bin kits, and bins available for purchase in our group. Included is everything you need to stimulate your little one’s senses from touch, smell, sight, sound and even taste. Not only do the bins stimulate their senses but also helps develop fine motor skills such as scooping, grasping, stirring and pouring. So your little tiny tornado of mischief probably just needs one of these to keep them engaged and other tiny messes off of the floor and walls.
Another thing I wanted to highlight is also for all you mommas’. We have Earthley open! Included is an array of products for everyone in your home to help your health. I personally have a few of my own favorite’s, which include black drawing salve, baby balm, digest ease, and sinus saver. When my oldest is suffering from tummy pain a few drops of digest ease and within a few minutes she is better, a runny nose and a few drops of sinus saver and she’s a new child. Arnica salve is literally like magic, EVERY MOM needs one for their diaper bag, purse, at home and in the car! My children fall A LOT, grace is not on their side when walking. Just seconds after a bonk I rub some arnica on the area and little to no bruising is present.
One of the products that just doesn’t get enough love according to Kylah J. is the shampoo bar. She says, “It lathers and feels creamy and luxurious. It lasts much longer than any other bar I’ve tried. My hair feels amazing. I order one every single time a buy opens because I never want to run out. The smell is mild and it really doesn’t matter that it’s only offered in one scent. If you’re on the fence about going with a shampoo bar, this one will change your mind.” If I am honest her comments made me want to try it to. When I say there is something for everyone I mean it, supplements, hair and body, baby, breastfeeding moms and just immune support.
Down below is another great high light of the natural balance and liver supplement. Don’t forget to check our group this week, all buys for this week and the next are going to be shipped in time for Christmas. Thank you all for your continued support through this holiday season.
“On my quest for treating my wellness I found that grey hairs prematurely are from the liver not being able to detox properly among other missing vitamins. It may not make me twelve again but the amount that comes in isn’t nearly as bad thanks to using it. When I stopped using it I noticed more new gray growth, so it definitely helps support the liver.”
“I Just got the natural balance and it is night and day. I sleep through the night again, the bloating is gone, I take a dropper full before my coffee. Fair warning it is herbs, it reminds me of Chinese herbal medicine in taste. Just plug your nose and hot flashes, and insomnia related to perimenopause are a thing of the past!”
-Dona N.